I think the connection to you is one of the reasons I love this series. Here, have a slice of cake.

of my great, great grandparents might just be the answer.
Oh, do tell! First, have some coffee to wash down that dry cake. Cream? Sugar?
Both, please.
Charles Kirkpatrick
was a doctor who left Illinois and traveled across country on a wagon train in
1849. He kept a journal which is now kept under glass in the Bancroft Library
at UC Berkeley, in California. I can understand why it's considered five-star
quality. He was quite literate and wrote a lot of what he saw and what happened
around him.
I am lucky enough to have a copy of the journal and was able to
share a lot of what he put on the pages in my second story, Marriage Bargain.
At the time I felt blessed to have help from one of my ancestors.
wife, Mary Kirkpatrick, wrote seven stories under the name of Mary Kirke. She
is supposedly the first woman to have stories published in a magazine.
Whoot! A feminine trial blazer. I love it!
When I
finally settled down and read through one of the five 3-inch thick binders of
genealogy my Mother assembled, I was about halfway through writing Forever
After. My heroine traveled to San Francisco on a ship without luggage and she
suffered greatly from nausea. When I read my great, great grandmother's first
story published in a magazine, I was caught off guard when I found two of her
sentences were written verbatim to mine. Also, the scene was under the same
circumstances as mine -- on a ship to San Francisco, no luggage, and constantly
plagued with nausea. Eerie, spooky, unbelievable - these were the words running
through my head. How could this have happen? In all fairness, I couldn't leave
my story similar to hers so I ultimately did change the scene somewhat so we
can both take credit for what we've written.
Oh, Paisley, that just gives me chills. Here have some chocolate. I brought some home from Germany.
Mmmm, these are great! At
my next Sacramento Valley Rose chapter meeting our guest speaker spoke about
past lives. I told her what had happened to me and asked if I could have
inherited my great, great grandmother's memories. She agreed it was possible,
but thought it was more than likely I inherited Mary Kirke.
one other note, when I read the last two sentences of my great, great grandmother's
story I cried and I still get emotional telling you about them. She was
standing on the wharf at San Francisco Harbor. She had just arrived after
sailing from the east coast to San Francisco and was waiting for the man she
was to marry to meet her. She felt his hand on her shoulder and knew she was
home. I have tears telling it again.
have no idea how her words got in my head, but if it is true and she is living in
there giving me plots, I am not complaining. I have no idea where my ideas come
from or why this time period and the gold country has always been important to
me, but it's a gift and I intend to always nurture it.

Thanks. Everyone at Desert Breeze Publishing has treated me so well.
by her sisters, her father in jail, Marinda Benjamin takes on the care of her
ailing mother the best way possible -- working for an unscrupulous man with the
power to crush her. Forced to spy on a
decent man, Marinda's honesty saves her virtue and revenge restores her
Ethan Braddock discovers his brother's poker pot cleaning his private office,
he jumps to the right conclusion -- she's there to spy for his nemesis. Ethan
can't help but find her irresistible. In spite of what his heart tells him, his
brain reserves judgment on her character. Until he unravels the mystery of her
connection to Danforth, trust is the one thing he can't allow himself. For
that, she'll have to prove herself.
Benjamin won't marry until she finds the forever after kind of love. Has the
man she's dreamed of loving been beside her all along?
Have some fruit, ladies. We're eating more fresh fruits and vegies around here thanks to the diabetes. Now, Paisley, share your excerpt with us. I can't wait!
August 1850
bet this little lady against whatever you've got in your hand."
sudden hush stifled all the noise in the Hidey Hole Saloon. Master against
novice. Who would win? Then quiet snickers began to echo off the wood walls.
The regulars of the saloon moved in for a closer look.
Benjamin stared around at all the patrons who just witnessed her humiliation by
Danforth's claim. She latched onto the back of her employer's chair to steady
her crumbling nerves. Jonas Danforth had bet her, body and soul, in a card
women dressed in garish attire crowded around the poker table. Some stared at
her with pity while a few sneered in obvious enjoyment of seeing another
Benjamin sister fall from grace.
wracked her brain for a way of preventing the ridiculous bet, but she knew
Danforth held all the cards. Yet she had to stop this travesty.
"Enough!" She stepped up beside his chair. "You can't do--"
menace in Danforth's glare as he looked at her stopped her from saying more.
malicious sneer marred his face. "As long as I hold the loan on your
house, you'll do as I say. Is that clear?"
wanted to run, but her feet refused to move. She wanted to speak her piece, as
she always did, but now was not the time. So instead, she held her head high.
She refused to allow Jonas Danforth to see her frustration. He had broken her
father's spirit. He would not break hers.
town's mischief-maker sat across from Danforth. Patrick Braddock glanced her way. "She looks like she might
be worth five twenty-dollar gold eagles and I could use a servant. I call your
bet. Let's see what ya got."
knot in her stomach tightened.
put his concentration back to the table. He placed three kings on the table --
a heart, a diamond, and a spade. He leaned back and twirled his waxed mustache
around his pinky finger. The smirk he directed her way turned her blood cold.
Desert Breeze
OOH I always love to come to visit with you, Vonnie. You always have such great eats and, of course, it is always fun to have a few giggles with you. Thanks for the day! :) I had a great time.
Fantastic excerpt, Paisley. Congratulations on another wonderful book. I knew about your inspiration source but always smile as I read more.
Thank you, Mona. You are always so supportive. It was fun to tell everyone about where my characters come from. Hugs!
Hi, Paisley and Vonnie!
Paisley, best wishes on your new release. And, Vonnie, you throw the best (and most delicious) parties!
Hi Vonnie & Paisley! Thanks for this wonderful post today. I'm glad to be introduced to Paisley's books. I immediately went to Amazon before posting this comment so that I could put all three books in this series on my Christmas "wish list." I've notified all family members to check my list out. :-) BTW, if either of you have the recipe for that delicious strawberry cake, I would be much obliged if you could part with it!?
Thank you for the best wishes, Angela. They are very much appreicated. And, yes, isn't Vonnie the best hostess ever!!
Oh, thank you, Janice. I hope Santa is good to you this year. It was nice to meet you today. :)
Sounds like the kind of party I like. Good luck with your third book, Paisley. Hey, wherever stories come from, I care not. Stories are to share...and I'm glad you're doing just that!
Thank you, Rolynn. I agree, I don't care who is sending me the ideas as long as they are good ones. :)
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