I'd write spy and political intrigue novels like Ian Flemming's 007 or the Bourne series. Imagine! Me: Ian Vonnie. Do I hear a snicker out there?
I'd also write books about the Lost Generation in Paris after World War I until the Nazi's marched down Champs Elysee. Perhaps beyond the end of that war, as well. Set in the City of Love, of course there would be romance. Let's not forget underground jazz clubs, literature, and art--and the arguments of philosophy at sidewalk cafes, like Deux Maggots. I'd need a French name, wouldn't I? How about Von DeVeau?
I'd write a series of private investigators or a special government black ops band of elderly women. Think about it. Starsky and Hutch in girdles and false teeth. The government covert name could be "Gray Bitches."
No one pays attention to senior ladies. Think of all the mayhem they could create. Old women meandering slowly down the street with canes. Invisible to most everyone who has no idea these two old broads hold fourth degree black belts in karate and black belts in kung-fu. Are certified markswomen and wear throwing stars for earrings. I could write the series under the pen name of Ima Phool. Too over the top? See, that's what happens when my mind runs amuck.
But writing the books I'd like would require building a new brand. What few people who know me, know me as a romance writer of contemporary and paranormal romances. I'd have to start over with a new identity and zero fan base. I don't know that I have the energy. So, I'll keep writing what I know and enjoy. Although I would seriously love working on the above projects. But, then, who would buy them?
My writerly wisdom? Understand why you're in the business. Are you writing to make money? Write for the market. Are you writing to satisfy your inner need? Then write your passion. Sometimes you can do both. Sometimes you can't. Be sure you know where you're going and why.
You're so right, Vonnie. My days of writing historical romances because I love history are probably over. I'm firmly entrenched in romantic suspense (which I also love) and where my fan base is being developed by my publisher. If I want to sell books, and that's my top goal, I need to stay focused on that. When it comes to our writing careers, I feel we have a lot in common. Seems I'm in good company!
I love writing suspense, took, Jannine. I had such a good time writing my Red Hand Conspiracy series and will self-publish them soon. My publisher doesn't want to hear about romantic suspense.
Terrific topic, Vonnie. I write what I love--heartfelt, steamy romance. And I want it all, cause I'm greedy and idealistic like that. lol I want to sell books, but not at the expense of my passion for writing. This is something that took me a long time to learn, trying to write to the market, or write the perfect book, and all it does is stress me out. So I've decided I just have to be me. I'm following my passion. And know, I believe if you write what you love, it shows. Will the sales follow? I guess we'll see. lol
I adore ALL your ideas, Von DeVeau! Wouldn't it be wonderful to have the time and energy to follow every thread of inspiration wherever it leads? These days I write to please myself and the readers I'm able to reach. Every time I get anxious that I'm not successful enough, I remind myself of the price of being a successful author and go back to just doing what I do.
Thanks, Jo. I think I'm going through an identity crisis. I am eager to get back to my bear-shifters and I never thought I'd be one to write that kind of book. I find I love writing with a Scottish burr. I'm concentrating on writing more emotion because I love writing action.
Success does carry a price, Alison. We fool ourselves if we think it doesn't. I'm just now coming to grips with that. To write what I want, I'll have to go Indie, I fear. Or partially so. I might end up like a hybrid car.
"Imagine! Me: Ian Vonnie. Do I hear a snicker out there?" -- I didn't snicker, but I did let out a chuckle...
I knew it was you, Angela. LOL
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