Ahhh...a woman after my own heart. I write incessantly, too. Or so it seems. Andrea has agreed to my asking her a few questions.
1. What is your life like away from the computer? Tell us something about your household. Jazzie, my cat, wants to know if you have any kitty-pusses. Well, let me have a word with Jazzie first, please. Jazzie, I love kitties and, in fact, I even call my daughter Kitty. But sadly, my last cat, Pussy Willow, passed away some time ago and it just wasn’t feasible to replace her—well, no one could, you understand that. I travel far too much anyway for a kitty to be happy with me. My life away from the computer is very hectic. Although there is only me, my daughter is now in Colombia and my heart is in the west so there’s lots of ‘going places’ involved. I think I’m married to my computer, too, so no kitty would put up with that.
What authors and genres do you like to read? I read just about anything that takes
my fancy but my favourite genres are western romances and literary fiction. I also read a lot of western history and books
on related topics, biographies and so on.
3. Do you enter writing contests? If so, has this been a positive experience for you? I have entered contests, quite a few, but I’ve stopped now. I can see that the winners have something to gain—they get their work in front of an editor or publisher and get the opportunity to say they won. And, of course, I realize you can’t win unless you enter. But my own experience has been very mixed. The pages I sent in from Loveland for one competition, before it was accepted at The Wild Rose Press, placed fourth. You can imagine how frustrating that was when the top three were the winners. Anyway, two of the three judges raved about the book and gave me very high scores; the third was so bitingly sarcastic and nasty about it, I was absolutely amazed that she had been allowed to be a judge. Judging is very subjective; possibly she just didn’t like western historical romances and didn’t understand where I was coming from, with it. Who knows? Now, when I enter, I take the criticism and use the judges’ comments when I can see the sense in them—which is all too frequently—and I ignore the rest.
4. Do you ever dream of writing in a different genre? I’d like to be able to write some sort of non-romance, literary fiction novel but unfortunately, those are not the stories that I imagine. Well, I tell a lie—I did think of one such novel, at least I thought of the premise for it, but not the story beginning to end. Maybe one day it will all fall into place.
5. How do you research your storylines or locations? I always visit the areas I’m writing about, so that meant Loveland and environs for Loveland and going down to Texas Hill Country for my next book. I don’t think you can really describe a place, and have a feel for it, unless you’ve been there. I don’t spend long, but I do drive about quite a bit, talk to people there, hear their voices, their sense of place. No one I’ve met on those travels has actually ended up in the book so far but I guess it could happen.
6. What are you currently working on? The Wild Rose Press had a call for novellas or stories about lawmen and outlaws and the women who love them so I’m working on something that might be suitable for that. Back to historical western romance… When I stayed on a working cattle ranch this past summer, one of the cowboys who came from a long line of cowboys asked to be put in one of my books. So he has the starring role, only now he’s a U.S. Marshal!.
7. Tell us about your current release…or soon to be release. Well, I think the blurb will say it all, Vonnie. Thanks so much for having me!
When Lady Alexandra
Calthorpe returns to the Loveland, Colorado, ranch owned by her father, the
Duke, she has little idea of how the experience will alter her future.
Headstrong and willful, Alex tries to overcome a disastrous marriage in England
and be free of the strictures of Victorian society -- and become independent of
men. That is, until Jesse Makepeace saunters back into her life...
Hot-tempered and
hot-blooded cowpuncher Jesse Makepeace can’t seem to accept that the child he
once knew is now the ravishing yet determined woman before him. Fighting
rustlers proves a whole lot easier than fighting Alex when he’s got to keep
more than his temper under control.
Arguments abound as
Alex pursues her career as an artist and Jesse faces the prejudice of the
English social order. The question is, will Loveland live up to its name?
As the round-up wound down, the Reps
their stock back to their outfits, and
soon the men
were back at headquarters or at the
camps. Alex
knew word had more or less got out and
found the
punchers were gentler now around her,
had a sort of
quiet respect for her, and she hated
it. She tried to
bully them a bit to show them she was
still the same
girl, jolly them into joshing with her
as they had
before. It was slow work. At the same
time, she
yearned to see Jesse, to speak with
him, to try to get
life back to the way it was before the
argument at
the corral, and before he saw the
scars. The
opportunity didn’t present itself. She
would see him
from a distance some days, riding with
the herd,
sitting his horse with that peculiar
grace he had,
throwing his lariat out with an ease
that reminded
her of people on a dock waving their
hankies in
farewell. Hoping to just be near him,
she slid into
one of the corrals one evening to
practice her roping.
The light was failing and the birds
were settling
with their evening calls. Somewhere in
the pasture a
horse nickered. She sensed Jesse was
watching, but she never turned as he
stood at the
fence. She heard him climb over and
ease up behind
her. He took the coiled rope from her
in his left hand
and slid his right hand over hers on
the swing end,
almost forcing her backward into his
She thought of paintings and statues
she had
seen, imagining his naked arms now, how
muscles would form them into long
oblique curves,
how he probably had soft downy fair
hair on his
forearms, how his muscle would slightly
bulge as he
bent his arm. His voice was soft in her
ear, and she
could feel his breath on her neck like
a whispered
“Gentle-like, right to left, right to
left to widen
the noose, keep your eye on the
post—are you
watchin’ where we’re goin’?”
He made the throw and pulled in the
rope to
tighten the noose. Alex stood there,
his hand still
entwined with hers and, for a moment,
she wished
they could stand like that forever.
Then she took her
hand away and faced him. For a second
he rested his
chin on the top of her head, then
straightened again
and went to get the noose off the post
while coiling in
the rope. She looked up at him in the
fading light
and saw nothing but kindness in his
face, simplicity
and gentleness that was most inviting.
A smile
spread across her face as he handed her
the coiled
rope and sauntered away, turning once
to look back
at her before he opened the gate.
Emptiness filled
her like a poisoned vapor seeking every
corner of her
being, and she stood with the rope in
her hand
listening to the ring of his spurs as
his footsteps
My web site and blog are at http://andreadowning.com, my twitter is @andidowning and
my FB author page is http://www.facebook.com/writerAndreaDowning
plus my Goodreads author page is at http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6446229.Andrea_Downing
and my Amazon author page is http://www.amazon.com/Andrea-Downing/e/B008MQ0NXS/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Great interview, ladies. I have so many story ideas that never come to fruition and I'd like to write literary fiction some day too.
Yes, great interview. I'm a cat person too. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Calisa, I always think that with literary fiction at least the rules are a bit more lax regarding POV! Do you think that makes it easier to write?
Lisa, I'm sure there's nothing like a little furry friend to keep you company, though these days my preference is for a bigger friend with a saddle on his back. Oh, dear--sounds sort of racy doesn't it. I'm talking horses here.
"A saddle on his back???" I confess to glancing at Calvin when I read your comment...wondering...
Thanks for visiting today, ladies.
Oh, Vonnie--so funny. And many thanks for having me here today. Apologies to Jazie for spelling his (?) name with 2 Zs earlier. I hope I'm forgiven.
Oh, believe me, Jazzie loves his "Z'z" whether they're in his name or in the form of a catnap.
Andrea: You are one busy lady. Great interview. Just had to stop by and show my support. I probably should enter more contest, but I don't. My first book had been hanging around so long, I don't think there is anything else that can be said about it. Again, great interview.
Oh, Veronica, thanks so much for your support! And I look forward to reading your novel soon!
Great interview. I've read Loveland and enjoyed it immensely. (Love that cowboy of Alex's.) Looking forward to Andrea's next book. Nice photo of Jazie. Cats are fascinating creatures.
Thanks for your thumbs up, Eunice; I'm glad you enjoyed Loveland. And doesn't Jazie seem quite content?
I'm going to take this opportunity to thank Vonnie once again for having me here. I am on the road today heading back to NYC so it will be a day spent in planes and in airports. Thanks to all who stopped by.
Nice excerpt, Andrea! Best wishes.:-)
Hi, Andrea and Vonnie!
Andrea, I love Victorian set romances and already have you new book on my Nook in the TBR shelf. Best of luck with it!
Thanks Nsncy. I could use those good wishes!
That's great news for me Susan, especially as I'm about to board a propellor plane!! Thanks so much.
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