Blog by VONNIE DAVIS -- International, Award-Winning Romance Author: Adventurous...Humorous...Amorous.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Too many story little time.

     I think I must have ADD. A short attention span, perhaps. Or too active an imagination. A continual battle between the left and right sides of my brain. Who knows? I'm halfway through writing chapter thirteen of my historical romance, having just written a fight scene in the town's mercantile between the marshal, the story's hero, and Loman Shea. Having them knock over a pickle barrel and roll around in pickle juice was a lot of fun. But, even as I was writing and rewriting it, my mind was being pulled into the present to a new storyline, as if it were a pair of pantyhose being pulled through a knothole.
     I started chapter one of a contemporary romance just to see if I could write something to enter into a specific writers' contest that ends July 31st. Can I write a 65,000 to 85,000 word novel in under two months? Am I up to the personal challenge? Insanity, I know. For if I abandon my historical to devote myself to that, then I might lose my train of thought, demented though it may be.
     There's also a more serious project I want to undertake, based on a newspaper article I read a few months ago regarding children, born of German soldiers and French women during World War II, being granted dual citizenship to the countries of both parents.
     And then there's another western historical rattling around in my brain, taking shape, evolving, about a lonely woman who writes notes and puts them....well, some ideas are best kept concealed for a while.
     I hate even mentioning the two completed novels in my drawer that need revising. Or the partially completed two novels residing in my computer. I should charge them rent, don't you think?
     You see, I have a whimsical kind of mind that hears a snippet of a conversation in a restaurant or in the mall and thinks, boy, could I make a story outta that!! Or I'll read a newspaper article and think, oh, there's potential for a great story there... I just can't help myself! And I seem to be getting worse!!! So many story lines, so little time.

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